Перенесу сюда кой-чего из своей, ткскзть, поэзии. Это не стихи, а тексты потенциальных песен.
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The Rain
Goodbye, goodbye, it’s over now
I watch you pass my gate
And the rain started falling
And washing your footprints away
I close the door, I know you won’t be back
The empty house feels a little strange
And outside, the rain keeps falling
And washing your footprints away
No need to keep remembering
The things you used to do and say
And the rain keeps falling
And washing your footprints away
Hmm, hello my loneliness
It starts again today
And the rain, the rain keeps falling
And washing your footprints away
Holding the sun in my hands
staring straight into the blaze
I thought that I was immortal
my soul at one with the rays
Now, in the cave of my darkness,
blinded, I’m lying alone
all I can see is the marks on my hands
fingers burned to the bone
I tried to reach the unreachable
to hold what cannot be held
I didn’t know it was useless
I didn’t hear the knell
Now, in the cave of my blindness
all I can do is recall
the bliss that was mine when I held her
her sunshine that held me enthralled
She smiles to other people
she even smiles to me
but the beams of the sun I have lost
bring me nothing but agony
Now, in the cave of my loneliness
I look at the marks on my hands
the tokens of heavenly ecstasy
of the time when I felt no pain
Why do I wait for the dawn then
wait for the sun to appear
seeking the joy that I used to know
through the film of uncalled-for tears
And here, in the cave of my madness
I know my scars won’t heal
I love the weapon that hurts me
and embrace the murderous steel
A Drop of Flame
I asked the sorcerer what would become of my life
He laughed and showed me the mirror of steel on the wall
I saw the things that I'd never dare to describe
I felt a drop of flame that on my hand did fall
I took my helmet, my shield and my sharp-edged sword
I went to fight with the Dragon who ruined my land
There was fire all around and the wind smelt of smoke
People were crying for beauty that perished in flames
The battle was bloody, a desperate combat it was
It seemed I was going to win where so many had failed
But when I buried my sword in my enemy's breast
I felt a drop of his poison that fell on my hand
I lay there dying but I knew the Dragon was killed
When, in my fading eyes, I saw him raising his head
I know this battle will go on for hundreds of years
Many will fall before the dragon is dead
But listen to the warrior
Who fought and was defeated
The day will come when the dragon is slain
I know this hour draws nearer
With every bloody victim
I know I haven't died in vain
I asked the sorcerer what would become of my life
He laughed and showed me the mirror of steel on the wall
© 1996-2001
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Перенесу сюда кой-чего из своей, ткскзть, поэзии. Это не стихи, а тексты потенциальных песен.
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