wit begeondan gemete is mannes maest hord
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@темы: ГП

11.11.2007 в 13:35

Серый шестерённый свитер (с)
Однако, какой оригинальный способ самосовершенствования. )))
А не дадите английский текст поиграть? Если только это не противоречит вашим личным/профессиональным принципам. :shuffle2:
11.11.2007 в 19:17

wit begeondan gemete is mannes maest hord
Не противоречит :) Вышлю мылом.

Именно английский, или хотите потренироваться попереводить на неродной язык? ;)
11.11.2007 в 19:32

Серый шестерённый свитер (с)
Выслал мыло. :gigi:
У-у-у... При нашей жадности... :shuffle2: В общем, дайте две. :flower:
Но изначально мне было интересно именно английские выражения посмотреть. :hash2:
11.11.2007 в 19:49

wit begeondan gemete is mannes maest hord
Сейчас, доперевожу и вышлю оба варианта.
03.11.2008 в 20:21

I’m not running away from things. I’m running to them.
We are very stupid students and we wonder whom you meant by Penny and Reuel.
Yours sincerely, stupid Miss Granger and Miss Heep
04.11.2008 в 19:01

wit begeondan gemete is mannes maest hord
Dammit, you've found me here! I should have known better than to mention my web-diary! :D

Reuel Scrimley is very clearly Rufus Scrimgeour, and you've guessed that already, surely! Penny is an Original Female Character.
Your predecessors had to translate a story featuring a children-hating chemistry teacher with a dark past and a penchant for wearing black clothes, does that ring a bell? ;)
04.11.2008 в 22:30

I’m not running away from things. I’m running to them.
Reuel Scrimley is very clearly Rufus Scrimgeour, and you've guessed that already, surely!
Yes, after long debates we reached this conclusion. Though there were some other loony versions like Lupin or even Snape.
PS: Thank you very much for commenting my crazy Maria Ivanovna & Co story
04.11.2008 в 22:58

wit begeondan gemete is mannes maest hord
Though there were some other loony versions like Lupin or even Snape.
I didn't think there would be debates, truth to tell, I thought it was really transparent! And you giggled so when you first met him, I thought you'd cracked the code immediately! :D

Thank you very much for commenting my crazy Maria Ivanovna & Co story
Only doing my duty, Miss Granger. ;)
04.11.2008 в 23:40

I’m not running away from things. I’m running to them.
We are always giggling, it doesn't mean we understand some hints. We are just er... giggling 'cos we're looooooooony and don't need any sound reason for it.
And we don't remember what we've been translating for 3 hours that's why we take the papers with us.
P.S.: I'm deeply sorry if I've annoyed you, Professor.
05.11.2008 в 19:18

wit begeondan gemete is mannes maest hord
Annoyed me? Dear Miss Granger, it takes more than an inquisitive question to annoy me, I assure you! :attr:

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